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Friday, March 19, 2010

Women, Women, and oh yah Women!

Oh my, I often reflex back on this picture when I am having a hard time creating. For those of you too young to remember what a production room looked like in the days before MACs and PCs…. Well here you are! Days and nights of typesetting, waxing, paste up; rub down type, sizing photographs’ for veloxs or color separations. I can’t believe we were able to put out a monthly magazine with all the things we had to do (by hand) before it went to print. No access to spell check, once you made the mistake it had to be re-typed then cut-in to replace the misspelling or correction (God forbid some crazed out editor went crazy on editing!)

We also do not have the luxury of Photoshop or Illustrator. We had to use air brushers to take out or alter backgrounds and clean up faces. Taking tracing paper to lay over the photograph then penciling or drawing what you wanted as the end result and pray it came out to your liking. Most air brushers were true artists so most of the time what you wanted came just the way you wanted it. I think air brushers had their heyday in the Disco era… remember all those crazy airbrushed Disco LP covers? Now that was art!

From this photograph you can also tell the era in which it was photographed…. Early 1980’s! Look at our Ms. Joan Jett jumping high up in the air rocking away, and that famous B-52 LP Whammy! Oh yes what a mess the production room was at the end of a deadline.

Talked to my friend Jenny Lens ( today, I must admit she is the ONLY person I will stay on the phone with for more than 30 secs! Only will good Chisme keep me on longer and Jenny often has some juicy stories. It’s nice to see that though many years of shooting almost everyone in Punk, that others are now enjoying looking back at punk history. I hope one day Ms. “Girl with the Camera Eye” does a follow up to Punk Pioneers. There are so many other photos she took besides punk. I told Jenny how strange it is these days to have movies and premiers of people we hung with or knew. All the fun seems to be missing from these events. Heck, if the Runaways movie had premiered in the days, not only would you have had the remaining group play, but all the important people from that era would have been invited (famous or not) and been rockin-it-up with them! Remember the Ramones party at the Santa Monica Pier?

Maybe I will write a book, but I would (of course) have to change the names to protect the guilty!


Speaking of guilty, it’s National Womens' History Month (March) and I want to apologize to all the females in my life that I might have offended in someway through my life. Even though I am Gay, I must remember to at all times respect the Women of the world. This though was brought upon from an  email I got today from my friend Josefina Lopez (it’s her b- day this weekend!) And she sent me this lovely quote:

"I too have a dream that one day women will be judged by the content of their character, their creative and intellectual contributions to society, rather than by the color of their hair, the size of their waist or the perkiness of their breasts."

Josefina Lopez

If you never been to one of her numerous events she puts on over at Casa0101, I suggested your check out their schedule of plays and events, visit, treat yourself to some of Los Angeles best plays put on by some pretty amazing and talented people.


A BIG BIG BIG Feliz CumpleaƱos (Happy Birthday) to my dear friend Pleasant Gehman…. Another talented and amazing women who should be celebrated this month of March! Actress, recording super star, punk pioneer, and well, I can’t really mention all without her permission… but one swell gal.


And let’s not forget the upcoming National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which is May. You can go to Diversity Graphics and order your posters to help celebrate [AP10].

Ok that’s it for now, more later, it’s gonna be along week so I should have lots of Chisme!


1 comment:

Jenny Lens said...

You are soooo cool. Thanks for being my bestest pal from punk! Yes, we have stories. Yes, I've been BEGGING you to write for nearly 30 years! Talk about stories!!

Mark knows the stuff nightmares are made of. All the dirt and scandals. Don't change a name!!

Don't you have another office photo, wherein all you see are stacks and stacks of paper? It was the end of the year issue.

I wasn't working with you yet (Kennel Review mag).

People, MARK is AMAZING. Not only dealing with all the mechanical steps, but the creativity flowing outta you. Good stuff!

Oh, you, Pleasant and I . . . Remember not just the Runaways/Ramones show and party (I have shot of Joan in her Sex Pistol t-shirt partying on the Santa Monica Pier carousel), BUT oh the stories Plez could tell about Joan. You too OMG.

BUT my fave time was when I shot the Germs. I believe the very first published shots of them! Plez called me, having convinced Slash mag to let her interview them. She was so excited. I will never forget her energy.

She helped dress them, and in a few minutes later, we walked down Sunset. How did you get involved? I don't even remember you, but there you are! You and Plez helped the Germs get into and outta big green trash dumpsters behind the Roxy. My photos verify your presence. Oh the memories!!!

Much love to you and Plez!