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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


WE ARE GOING TO MAKE HISTORY... And someone tells us there's gonna be a change.

WE ARE GOING TO MAKE HISTORY... And someone tells us I will lead and make changes through experience

These two candidates have similar views. One has experience, many years of experience, the other keeps on crying change.

I am a gay LATINO man. I have seen many changes in my lifetime. There are many things that were changed and will continue to be changed. But in order to change things you have to have people who can work together to make that change. I am not putting down Mr. Obama’s hard effort to make changes, but I am also realistic. I have not heard in his platform of CHANGE that is going to represent me. A Gay Latino and have worked really hard to see change. False promises’ is what gets people in trouble. False hope is greed. If elected Mr. Obama will walk into the same old, same old. The everyday bull @$@# of politics. Nothing is guaranteed. No matter what color or sex you are, you still have to sit down and WORK with people in order to make the CHANGE. Yes he has the Bill Clinton qualities... he can make you listen with his great preaching, but when all is said and done, it doesn't mean a thing when your wheeling and dealing with Washington.
So this change means nothing to me, but it seems to have hypnotized the nation. Is that all I have to do to get ahead? Walk around yelling CHANGE then hoping everyone changes with me? And what gets me most is this chanting of CHANGE in a slogan that our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers have been yelling for years SI SE PUEDE!!!!! But for some reason it has to be done in English to make it acceptable. So I am not sold on this CHANGE thing. Change will come with experience and hard work. She (the other candidate) possess these qualities. I am tired of them putting her down as the same old same old. We’ll anyone who votes realizes that special interest groups are always involved in who gets elected. So the CHANGE candidate needs to put his hand to his mouth when accusing HER as one of special interest influence… he should look in the mirror and realize that he is where he is cause of these special interest groups.

Lastly, what are the views on Gay & Lesbian issues with both candidates? Why in this wonderful moment of history are we taking a back seat? We still are the ones who are fighting hard for our equality in this FREE nation. So why are we being silent? What about abortion? Why are these two important issues no longer issues? Have we come that far ahead in society that we no longer have to worry about getting gay bashed because of our sexual orientation? Is it now a thing of the past for a young woman who was raped to be able to walk into a clinic and seek help without harassed or jailed for something that is HER choice?

So what is the CHANGE? Let me know. Leave your comments.


Anonymous said...

This is a test from Ronn's computer.

Anonymous said...

One of the most important things for me is that whichever Democrat that goes into this Presidential race will support LGBTQ causes.

Some feel that Obama has the “purest position” in supporting full repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act since 2004. Clinton supports repealing only the part of DOMA that prohibits the federal government from recognizing state sanctioned same-sex marriages, leaving in place the portion that allows states to ignore legal unions performed in other states.

Hilary has had a mixed history dealing with the LGBTQ population, as did her husband. A year ago when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Peter Pace, came out in support of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, Hilary said, “I’m going to leave that for others to conclude.” I want a President that won't leave it to others to decide.

I want Hilary to step up and finish what her husband started. In my support of her, I am expecting that she will be able to puch the LGBTQ envelope the most, but this will only be done through continued vigilance of the LGBTQ community and continued efforts to hold our elected leaders accountable.

alicia said...

I took the following from Yahoo News - "ON DEADLINE: Obama Has Much Yet to Prove"

REZKO: Obama's relationship with indicted businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko threatens his image as an antidote to the poisons of Washington. Rezko, accused of scheming to pressure companies seeking state business for kickbacks and campaign contributions, poured thousands of dollars into the campaigns of Obama and others. Rezko also helped Obama increase the size of his yard in a transaction that the Illinois senator now calls a "boneheaded" mistake.

RECORD: Scrutiny of Obama's record will increase with each step he takes toward the Democratic nomination. The New York Times recently poked holes in Obama's explanation of his role in legislation that ultimately benefited a nuclear energy company whose executives and employees have donated more than $200,000 to his campaigns.

TEMPERAMENT: Unlike his rival, Obama has never experienced a tough campaign — and it shows at times. Remember when he said in New Hampshire that Clinton was "likable enough"? It grated on female voters. He needs to avoid looking rude, crabby or cocky. His friends would tell you that's not always easy for him.

EXPERIENCE: The unusually self-aware Obama acknowledged last summer that it was "a stretch" for voters to consider him for the presidency. He needs to avoid a miscue that underscores his inexperience. About one-fifth of the Democratic voters Tuesday said they favored a candidate with seasoning, and Clinton won nearly all their votes.